Friday 15 December 2023

Ballet Flats

The ballet flat shoes are back is the claim in my inbox. I, admittedly not with the biggest finger on the pulse, wasn't aware it had gone away. They're an essential part of any shoe collection, lightweight to carry and handy when your strappy heals disintstrappy. My flats range from the simple black towards the sparkling silver.  Further news arrives telling me ballet flats are spreading to men or rather returning as any study of renaissance paintings would tell. Apparently this is partly thanks to pop star and bit of a hottie Harry Styles, who could wear tissue boxes on his feet and look cool. How serious this is time will tell, at least ìts not manned up in a terrible guyliner esc branding. 

1 comment:

  1. I had noticed a decline in the number of ballet flats to be seen in the streets so I'm glad they're still promoting them. I love them. Sue x


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