Saturday, 5 November 2011

Surgery On Ice With Spuggy

“Where else would you get a brave and honest insight into gender transition?”

The quote is from the Channel  4 press site announcing the Trans documentary “Girls will be Boys and Boys will be Girlsas part of their autumn season, reading it one gets a sense of deja vu.

To answer their (rhetorical) question everywhere, it seems promises a brave and honest look, (they also tend to mention other words like tender and sympathetic). But then I don’t think there’s a programme on this subject which declares it’s going to be cowardly and dishonest beforehand, although many turn out that way.

Elsewhere I noticed they are looking for participants for yet another trans documentary, it only seemed like weeks since the last one was broadcast on UK TV, probably because it was only weeks ago. I would have thought all angles were already covered (tv, m2f, f2m, b2b, abc, flibety flob, etc, etc) and there was nothing new to say.  I may be surprised and it could be different, like featuring a woman leading up to her SRS only this time its ON ICE and performed by celebrities! 

Of course that’s a flippant answer but if Jet and his eponymous production company are reading in their Hoxton studio office or any other production company for that matter then do avoid the cliché’s. There are so many a drinking game was invented. (Though I’m willing to listen to offers for the “Celebrity Sex Change On Ice” format by the way, the fliberty flob episode featuring Joe Pasquale, Spuggy from Biker Grove and Stu Francis will be must watch television). 

Someday a programme will feature transgender people going about their lives once in a blue moon challenging gender norms and all that but most of the time they'll be going to work, paying bills and deciding whether to buy Hob Nob's or Digestive's at the supermarket. Just like everybody else.


  1. I'm quite hurt by your approach to the fliberty flob elements of our community. They've been ignored for years... and not just because it's something you made up for comic effect! I shall be writing a stern note to my MP and if you wait outside his office in the local park, you'll be able to read a copy. Unshredded of course. :-)

    Flippancy aside, I hope C4 do a good job of it. It's a tricky subject to approach, the balance between documentary and being too serious, to being outright *ahem* entertainment ("ooo, just look at the funny man!" :-| )

    I had a look on the web site and dare I say, so far so good. I *think* a few of the trans media folk have got in on the act, so fingers crossed it'll go well.

    PS: No news on my Bloke in a Frock Buys Biscuits and Nothing Happens show. Perhaps if I offered to skate around the supermarket? Hmmm....

  2. It's good to see they're interested in making a program with a less sensationalist approach to transitioning. Fingers crossed
    Mc1 (Caroline)

  3. I guess all we can do is wait and see.

    You forgot the other two cliches of British television. If you can spin the Nazis and gardening into the format, it'd be a surefire winner!


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