Monday 26 June 2023

Self Awareness

If there was a list of people who have done things which means they should be wise enough to keep their mouth closed and never say anything ever again Lance Armstrong would certainly at the top but there we are as recently he took to the social medias announcing that he was launching a series which will "dive into' issues around transgender athletes competing in sport" because he is an expert at fairness. Given another person on the list George Osbourne was doing the media rounds recently, it seems there is a big overlap on a Venn diagram between those on the list and those who have any self awareness.

1 comment:

  1. Once in a while one comes across a comment, a blog post, a review ... that transcends satire, and your first sentence is one of those! Great stuff, hon. There's nothing quite like transphobia to highlight the hypocrisy and malice of the so-called great and good. I'm sorry the UK is such a sick mess. Keep fighting. Many hugs, Sue x


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