Sunday, 11 March 2018


Hope you're well. It's was a little cold, going beyond my usual winter outfits which have served me well during the comparatively mild winters of recent years but not an artic blast and then changing back to spring like in a very short period.

Another month another trans film, time was I would have watched it all in the same way I would have any Superhero/ comic book movie but these days a glut of both means I tend to pick and choose with the latter and avoid with the former. This time its the turn of ITV News (Tonight: 'Trans Kids - the Right Response?) focusing on the rise in referrals to the Tavistock GIC and those youth of today and their refusal to accept ridged gender constructs all of which would annoy the baffling number of terf's following me on Twitter.

Drag Queens is also a current topic, thanks to, what can be best described as Ru Paul's unhelpful/ outdated comments. Language, both queerness and labels has evolved, the "drag queens" mentioned in reports of the Stonewall riots would be more accurately described along the trans spectrum and even that may change in another few years. When you search media around the time this blog started "transgendered" was still a commonly used work

1 comment:

  1. There's some very strong opinions out there about transgender children. Is it because suggesting a parent should follow a particular course of action, means that others are telling them what to do? Or is it that a small number of people don't support the concept of personal choice? It's very complicated!


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