Sunday 3 May 2015


We are already into May, daylight in the evening and spring cleaning. So for the first time in a while the desk I'm writing on was not cluttered with assorted leads, bits of paper, cups and dozens of totally random things. I've also been going through my email in-boxes deleting things like old Amazon receipts from the mid 2000's (did I really pay that much for a 4gb memory stick). I also found some old photos I squirreled away and thought were lost to time. Including some early photo's of me in a blond wig (so cliché, I know), and my first time out, which I've written about before, to drift into trans cliche #427, I don't take as many pictures as I did.

Also at the moment its hard to move without running into a senior politician paying some visit into town, along with the resulting delays and obstructions. Both seats in this town are marginal constituencies meaning locals have a disproportionate influence in who governs Britain, so God help the rest of Britain. Not that Swindonians have been using this opportunity, being more likely to moan about the long delays it causes. It's not as though they'd be able to get anywhere near them if they did.

Personally I've already made up my mind and sent away my postal vote, not out of any love for them, more out of dislike for the other lot.